How Do I Use Two Rubrics For One D2L Submission Folder?

In some cases, instructors will be teaching a combined section class that is comprised of grad students and undergrad students. Usually, with courses like this, instructors will have assignments that are the same for both sections but the evaluation is different. Typically to handle this situation we create two Submission folders and set section restrictions on the Submission folders. Another option, as long as the points are the same, is to attach two Rubrics to one Submission folder. Here is the procedure:

  1. Create two Rubrics.
  2. Attach both Rubrics to the Submission folder.
  3. Select the rubric that's being used for this submission and evaluate the student.
  4. When done evaluating, be sure to select the rubric that was used under the "Grading rubric." Once selected, the score from the rubric that was used will transfer to the overall grade.
  5. Select Publish.
  6. A message pop-up will appear saying "Not all rubric criteria have been scored." Select Publish Anyway. 

The student will see the rubric and score when they access the feedback for the folder.

For more information on creating and using Rubrics, please see our Rubrics guide. For more information on creating and using Submission folders, please see our Submissions guide.