Microsoft Teams: Getting Started with Microsoft Teams Phone

DePaul is migrating from a Cisco to Microsoft Teams-based phone service. This change will affect users who have a DePaul phone number. The switch to Teams will happen on a rolling basis depending on your department, college, or area of DePaul. Each area has a liaison who is regularly in contact with the project team about this migration. Your liaison will provide more detailed information as your migration date draws near.

After your area's migration date, you will be able to make and receive telephone calls with your DePaul-based phone number in the Microsoft Teams desktop, mobile and web apps. The project team will work with your area to replace any physical front desk or shared phones with Teams-based phones. Classroom phones will also begin to be replaced starting the week of Feb. 26. For more detailed information, feel free to review the Teams Phone FAQ article. Watch the Overview of Teams calls video. New to Teams? Review the Microsoft Teams: Getting Started article.

What is the Teams Phone feature?

For people with a DePaul-based phone number, they will be switching from a physical Cisco phone to Microsoft Teams Phone. The "Phone" feature in Teams simply manifests as a Calls tab in Teams where users can make or receive calls to and from their DePaul-based phone number to internal and public telephone numbers. If you don't have a DePaul-based phone number, you will not have the ability to make telephone calls with Teams, but you can still make Teams-to-Teams audio and video calls by searching for individuals or groups at DePaul within Teams. Watch this Introduction to Teams Phone from Microsoft. 

Accessing Teams

DePaul students, faculty, and staff have several options for accessing Microsoft Teams: web, desktop, or mobile app. For each app, users must login with their BlueKey login credentials and authenticate with BlueKey multi-factor authentication (MFA).

Overview of Teams Phone

Phone services and how they will be affected by this migration

Individuals with DePaul-based numbers

Getting Started Video


After the migration, you'll be able to make and receive calls from your DePaul-assigned 'office' phone number in the Microsoft Teams desktop, mobile, and web apps. Your office phone number will no longer be accessible from Jabber. Individuals can also delegate access to their phone number for others.

Shared phone numbers (without a physical phone)

Numbers shared by a group or area (without a physical phone) will be managed through a resource email account. Designated admins can also delegate access to the shared phone number. These designated admins will also have access to an expanded settings menu in Teams to manage the phone number, including call forwarding, user access, and voicemail from the resource account.  Delegates are able to make and receive calls from the shared phone number in the Microsoft Teams desktop, mobile, and web apps.

Classroom phones

Classroom phones will be replaced as a part of the migration project. Dialing options for safety and tech support will be attached to each phone. Learn more about classroom phones.

Physical phones: Front desk and office phones

Although individual phone users will be turning in their Cisco phones and moving to the Teams Phone feature, some phones, such as front desk and shared phones, will need to be replaced in order to maintain the functionality that a physical phone provides. DePaul will be migrating front desk and shared Cisco phones to the Teams-based AudioCodes C455HD IP Phone.

Calling in Teams

Do you have a DePaul-based phone number? Watch Getting Started with Teams Phone.

Making Calls

There are a few options to communicate with DePaul colleagues in Teams. The easiest option is to search for an individual and choose either an audio or video call. This method of calling will display your name as the person making the call.

For individuals with a DePaul-based phone number: You will also have the option to click on the "Calls" tab in Teams to make calls from your phone number. These users can use the keypad to dial a number. The receiver of the call will see your DePaul-based phone number as the caller if you use the Calls tab in Teams.

Receiving Calls

If your Teams app is open and notifications are turned on for Teams, you are available for others within the university to call you. DePaul students, faculty, and staff all have access to Teams. They can search for your name and either make a video or audio call. These calls will display the individual name (and photo if available) or the person calling you.

For users with a DePaul-based phone number: You will also be able to receive calls to this number through Microsoft Teams. When a call is coming into Teams, the pop-up will show that the call is coming to your phone number, not you as an individual. Make sure to have the Teams app open and manage your notification settings to receive calls. 


Voicemails will be sent to your BlueM@il (Exchange Online email service ending in inbox.  You can listen to voicemails in the Teams client or through Outlook as you do today.  Transcriptions are provided and additional voicemail configuration can be done within the Teams client.

An important note about 911

If you use your cell phone to call 911 through Teams, 911 services will automatically receive your location. If you're making calls from your laptop or desktop while on campus, 911 will automatically know your approximate location.  However, if you work remotely, whether at home, at Starbucks, or otherwise, you will need to set your location within Teams.


DePaul is committed to providing help information and assistance with campus services for all users, including those with accessibility concerns. Microsoft Teams accessibility considerations, information for screen reader users, navigation information, and more can be found on the Microsoft Teams - Accessibility page.


More Tutorials

Additional Information

All Teams Users:

Contact the Help Desk for technical support at (312) 362-8765 or