PLEASE NOTE: DePaul University only supports Windows 10 as an operating system at this time. Please do not upgrade to Windows 11, as it will render your computer to be un-supported, and will require a downgrade to Windows 10.
After receiving a modern computing device, please complete these steps to configure it for use.
- Plug the device charger in. Your device requires the charger to be connected during the setup process. Do not unplug your device from the charger at any point during setup.
- Select your region.
- Select your keyboard layout.
- Optionally, add a second keyboard.
- For Internet connectivity, which is required throughout the setup process, if using an Ethernet connection, plug in the network cable
- If using Wi-Fi, select your Wi-Fi network and click "Connect".
- Once connected, click "Next".
- On the "Welcome to DePaul University" screen, enter your BlueKey address (
- Next enter your BlueKey password.
- You will now be prompted for MFA, which will need to be completed to move on.
- You will see a message that says "Setting up your device for work", which has 3 steps: "Device preparation", "Device setup", and "Account setup". Your device may restart several times as it proceeds through these steps.
- After being presented with a Windows login screen, enter your BlueKey username and password.
- Once login has been completed, you will again be prompted for MFA.
- The device will continue configuring. The device is ready to use when you see the "Your device is ready" notification on the Windows desktop.
Depending on your Internet speeds, loading times may vary. If at any point you receive a message about a process timing out, please click on the "Retry" option.
If you continually receive errors when connected to your home Internet, you may need to go on-campus to complete setup.
- If you experience the following error during setup, please connect your device to the Internet when prompted.
- If you experience an issue using Microsoft Edge, please check for, and install, Windows updates via the “Settings” app.
- If you experience an error similar to the following during setup, please click the “Reset Device” button and try going through the setup process again.
- If after the device setup has completed you see a pop up for Microsoft Teams logon like the following, please click your user name and then complete the MFA prompt
- If after device setup has completed you do not see OneDrive signed in like the following
- Click on the cloud icon and in the window that opens click on Sign in
- Complete the MFA prompt and then accept all of the default options.