ODBC Connection Instructions for Data Warehouse Use

ODBC Connection Instructions for Data Warehouse Use

PLEASE make sure that you are connected to the Data Center VPN before proceeding. Instructions can be found at IS Support - DePaul VPN: Remote Access and Data Center Users (service-now.com) Bluekey MFA is required. Details available at IS Support - BlueKey: Seamless Login Experience (service-now.com)


1. To match 32 bit applications, right mouse click on odbcad32.exe in C:\Windows\SysWOW64 and choose “Run as Admin”. Please hit "Yes" in the popup window when asked.

NOTE: Conversely, if your ODBC application is 64bit, run odbcad32.exe from C:\Windows\System32 (this is correct even though it may seem the reverse).

2. Choose System DSN and click on Add

3. Choose Oracle in OraClient12c_home2

NOTE: The number after “_home” is not important.


4. Choose Test Connection (If you intend to use this connection please save the Data Source Name)