Oracle Client Install and Password Guidelines for a New Data Warehouse User

*Before proceeding, please ensure that you have Data Center access: IS Support - DePaul VPN: Remote Access and Data Center Users (

I. Oracle Client Install

1. Copy located in this folder: W:\software\Faculty-Staff\Windows\Oracle Client to your local drive (C:)   

NOTE: If you are using ODBC *i.e. 32 bit MS Office Apps* to connect to the Data Warehouse, YOU WILL ALSO NEED TO INSTALL THE 32 BIT VERSION at W:\software\Faculty-Staff\Windows\Oracle Client\32 bit version. You can check your version by following the steps outlined at About Office: What version of Office am I using? (

2. Extract the zip folder to your desktop.

3. Right mouse click on the file Oracle Client\winx64_12201_client\client\setup.exe and choose Run as Administrator. When asked “Do you want to allow the follow program to make changes to this computer?” please select "Yes".

4. A command prompt dialog box will appear with the message “Starting the Oracle Universal Installer… Please Wait.” This may take a while. Eventually, the following window should pop up:

Figure A

5. If the window does not appear, look for this icon in your taskbar and click on it.

Installation Options:

6. Select Installation Type: Select Administrator and then click Next.

7. Select Product Languages: English is the default. Select your preference and then click Next.

8. Select Installation Location: The default is c:\app\client\youruserid\product\12.2.0\client_1 and once input, click Next

9. Perform Prerequisite Checks: This will check your system requirements. Eventually, the Finish option should appear. Click Finish.

     NOTE: The installation may take a while. Please be patient.

If this is your first Oracle client installation, you may be presented with a Firewall Rule Exception Request asking you to allow the Java platform binary to communicate on Domain, Public, and Private networks. Go ahead and accept this exception.

Once it is complete, you should see a successful client acknowledgment screen.

Save the tnsnames.ora and sqlnet.ora files to your desktop and copy these files over the existing files in the installation location below: C:\app\client\youruserid\product\12.2.0\client_1\network\admin (the file DW Request contains these files and is attached to your DW access request).


10. Open Oracle SQL Developer to create a new connection for DWPRD0 (or DWDEV0)

  1. Click on the green +
  2. Ensure that Connection Type is TNS and Network Alias... is DWPRD0.depaul.dpu (highlighted)
  3. Connect using your userid and the password that you were provided with (in section II below, you will be creating your own new password)
  4. Test and then Save as shown below

Figure B




II. Oracle 19C Password Guidelines and Reset Instructions

  • The password contains no fewer than 8 characters and includes at least one numeric and one alphabetic character.
  • The password is not the same as the user name or the user name reversed.
  • The password is not the same as the database name.
  • The password does not contain the word oracle (such as oracle123).
  • The password differs from the previous password by at least 3 characters.
  • The password contains at least 1 special character.
  • The following internal check is also applied:
    • The password does not contain the double-quotation character, (!) or (?).
  • Password Login/Entry is Case Sensitive Password
  • Password Expires 365 Days After Reset
  • Password Grace Time Reset 45 Days After Expiration
  • Password History Kept Time 8
  • Password Lock After 10 Failed Attempts


Changing Your Password using SQL Developer

Figure C


From SQL Developer, do the following:

  1. Right-click on the connection you created.
  2. Select the "Reset Password..." option from the popup menu.
  3. In the subsequent dialog, enter the current password and the new password with confirmation.
  4. Click the OK button.


Figure D


*Close the SQL Developer program without saving PASSWORD


The syntax for Changing Your Password Manually in 19C Databases:



Invalid Password Reset Attempts – The password contains at least 1 special character.

Figure E


Invalid Password Reset Attempts - The password does not contain the double-quotation character, (!) or (?).:


Figure F


Invalid Password Reset Attempts – Must use correct syntax and use REPLACE:


Figure G


Invalid Password Reset Attempts – The password contains no fewer than 8 characters and includes at least one numeric and one alphabetic character.

Figure H