Pro Sound Effects

This guide will show you how to use Pro Sound Effects.

A subset of our Pro Sound Effects (PSE) SFX library available on campus be accessed online by following the instructions below.

Accessing the Pro Sound Effects Web Portal

1. Go to!explorer

Pro Sound Effects Website

2. Click “Log In” in the upper right corner of the screen and Log in.

3. Enter the log in credentials distributed in the student technology guide. Please contact your instructor if you did not receive this. 


Searching and Browsing


1. Search by keyword in the search bar

2. Filter results by Category, Catalog, Library, or length on the left side of the page


Creating Playlists


1. To create a New Playlist, scroll down the left menu until "My Playlists" is visible. Then select "New Playlist"

2. A prompt to title the playlist and to add a description will appear. Once done, select "Create Playlist"

3. After creating a playlist, it will appear at the top of the page.

   a. To add a sound, click the green plus icon


   b. To remove a sound, click the red minus icon

4. To view the playlist, click the name of the playlist in the lower-left corner.


5. To toggle in and out of playlist mode, click the green plus icon next to the playlist name.

A quick user guide on using the online browser version of the library can be found here:

For questions, please email CDM AV Support at