You should have the ability to add contact lists (sometimes also called 'panels') in Qualtrics. If you do not have access to them, please contact
If you are currently logged in to Qualtrics, you will need to logout and log back in again. Once this is done, you should then see the 'Contacts' tab at the top. In general, to create a contact list/panel, you need to have a file saved as a CSV. You need, at minimum, four pieces of info for the panel: an ID number, last name, first name, and email address. First and last names must be in separate columns. This can be done in Excel and then saved as a CSV file.
Next, in Qualtrics, under the Contacts tab, there is a green button on the right, labelled '+ Create Contact List'. Name your contact list. Select "Import from File" and then select your saved CSV. You will probably need to use the drop down menus above each column to ensure that your column labels correspond with labels in Qualtrics. Click "Import" and your contact list/panel will be created.
To send a survey to a contact list/panel, simply follow these steps:
More information on Qualtrics contact lists is here: