Softphone/Cisco Jabber: Call Forwarding on MAC OSX

Information Services is currently migrating the campus telephone system to Microsoft Teams.  This documentation may be outdated in some ways if you have been migrated to the new system.  Please review the Microsoft Teams documentation if you have been migrated.

1. In the menu bar navigate to Jabber > Preference.

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2. Next navigate to Calls “Calls Preferences” and select the “Call Forward” settings tab.

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3. Select the Line you would like to have forwarded then click the + symbol at the bottom to add an extension to forward calls to. At DePaul we only permit forwarding to internal extensions so you would need to type in either a 5XXXX or 2XXXX extension number.

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4. With the Line you want forwarded still selected, select the extension that you just added in the drop down labeled “Forward Calls to:”.

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5. Close the Preferences menu and you should see at the bottom of the Jabber application confirmation that the line is forwarded and the forward destination.

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