StudentWeb Access Guide

StudentWeb Access Guide


Certain classes will have access to StudentWeb, which is webhosting for the purpose of completing assignments. This guide will go over how to connect to StudentWeb as well as troubleshoot some common issues you may encounter while trying to connect or during usage.

If you do not have access to StudentWeb, please contact your professor. Your professor will need to request access for the class by going to, pressing “Get Help”.

Downloading an FTP Client

  1.  To connect, you will need to download an FTP client, such as FileZilla.
  2.  To keep it simple, this guide will be using FileZilla.
  3.  You may download it from FileZilla's official site:
  4.  Download the version for your operating system.
  5.  Then install it using the downloaded installer.

How to Connect to StudentWeb

  1.  Now we will need to configure your FileZilla to connect to StudentWeb.
  2.  Open the Site Manager by going to File -> Site Manager.
  3.  Make a new connection by pressing the New site button.
  4.  Change the Protocol dropdown box to SFTP - SSH File Transfer Protocol.
  5.  In the Host field, enter:
  6.  In the Port field, enter: 22
  7.  Change the Logon Type dropdown box to Ask for Password.
  8.  In the User field, enter your Campus Connect username
  9.  If you would like to save your credentials (including password) you may set Logon Type to Normal, and then enter your Password into the Password field. 
  10.  After the information above has been configured, press Connect and it should prompt you for your Campus Connect password.
  11.  On the first login you may encounter a popup asking above an Unknown Host Key. This is normal. Please press OK to continue. If you don't want this to appear every time you may check the Always trust this host... option before pressing OK.

Basic Usage

The URL of Your Account

Other Information/Restrictions

Other Issues

If you are still encountering issues after going through this document:

  1. First, please contact your professor. They should be able to help weed out any common issues that you may be having. 
  2. If you have worked with your professor on the issue and it still has yet to work, please contact CDM Tech Support at and please attach a screenshot of your FileZilla error log when you do, and describe the problem you are having.