VPN on Windows PC: Ivanti VPN installation for Windows PC users


Video Tutorial for Installing Ivanti VPN Client

Links from video:

Instructions for Updating Ivanti VPN on a Windows PC

Connecting to DePaul's Virtual Private Network (VPN) through the Ivanti client requires the use of the Microsoft Authenticator app and BlueKey multi-factor authentication (MFA).  You will need to download the Microsoft Authenticator app and setup BlueKey MFA at bluekey.depaul.edu/multifactorsetup (if you haven't already done so) prior to accessing the VPN. Learn more about registering for BlueKey MFA.

Downloading the Ivanti VPN file

Download the updated Ivanti VPN file for your Windows PC (This file is located in OneDrive. You may need to login to access it.).

Installing the Ivanti VPN file

After installing Ivanti on your Windows PC, it is important to identify the type of user that you are: Data Center user or Remote Access user. After downloading and installing the Ivanti VPN, it is now time to configure your connection.
Examples of services used by Remote Access users:
  1. If you are working off campus and need to access certain services (examples below) that are only available on campus
  2. Access to the U and W drives
  3. DePaul licensed software that can only be used by connecting to the VPN (such as SPSS Statistics)
  4. Access to Imagenow from off campus (with no other data center access)
  5. Non-production Peoplesoft environments
Examples of services used by Data Center users:
  1. Direct database access, either Oracle or Microsoft SQL. Examples include access to CS, data warehouse, IRMA and other databases.
  2. Shell (sftp or ssh) access to DePaul servers. Examples include access to psftprd and webprd servers.
  3. Remote desktop access to DePaul servers. 
  4. Web and desktop applications with limited access. Examples include access to the Transact system, Titanium Scheduler, and the camera viewing servers.

Use the Windows search bar and type Ivanti.

Open the app.

Configuration Settings

For Remote Access users:
  1. Open the Ivanti Client. 
  2. Click on the + next to Connections
  3. The Type is: Policy Secure (UAC) or Connect Secure (VPN) by default, leave it at this.
  4. Under Name: enter Remote
  5. Under Server URL: enter https://sslvpn-dft.is.depaul.edu/remote
For Data Center users:
  1. Open the Ivanti Client. 
  2. Click on the + next to Connections
  3. The Type is: Policy Secure (UAC) or Connect Secure (VPN) by default, leave it at this.
  4. Under Name: enter Data Center
  5. Under Server URL: enter https://sslvpn-dft.is.depaul.edu/datacenter