Why Can't Students See Letter Or Text Grade Items In D2L?

By default, the Grades area in D2L only displays point grades (and weighted grades if a weighted system is selected). Therefore, if an instructor opts to create text grade items or uses a letter grade scheme, students won’t be able to view their scores until an additional display option, the grade scheme symbol, is selected in the Grades area’s settings.

Releasing the Grade Scheme Symbol to Students

  1. Navigate to the Grades area in the course site.
  2. Select the Settings link at the top-right side of the page. (It has a gear icon next to it.) The “Personal Display Options” page will open.
  3. Select the Org Unit Display Options tab.
  4. Select the checkbox next to the Grade scheme symbol.
  5. Select Save and then Close.

For more information on setting up the grades area of your D2L course, please see our Grades guide.