Connect to the "depaul" WiFi network and once redirect to the "DePaul WiFi Setup" page click on "Laptops" to start the setup.
Click "JoinNow".
Your computer will start the download for the WiFi configuration utility. *Note: If this page shows a "No Internet Connection" message you may not have opened the full Safari browser when navigating to the setup page.
Save the installer file.
Launch the downloaded application.
Click "Open".
Click Next to be redirected to the University Login page.
After entering in your BlueKey login credentials ( email address and password) you will be prompted for multi-factor authentication (MFA) on your mobile device. After successful MFA authentication, you will be redirected back to the SecureW2 application to complete the setup process.
Sign in with your Mac's local credentials to allow the new WiFi profile and certificate to be installed.
When prompted, enter your laptop's keychain password and select "Always Allow". This password is your login password for you Mac computer.
The program will complete the setup process.
The installer will attempt to connect you to the DePaul Eduroam network if it is in range.
You have completed the configuration and should now be able to use the DePaul Eduroam WiFi network.