Web Browsers: How to Update

These step-by-step guides will help you ensure your browser is up-to-date with the latest patches, features, and security enhancements.


Firefox usually auto-updates itself. However, you can manually check for updates by doing the following:

  1. Open Firefox on your system.
  2. Click on the icon in the top right , then go to Help -> About Firefox.
  3. If there is an Update Button, click it. You will then need to restart your browser to complete the update. Otherwise, your Firefox browser is up to date. 

 Additional information on updating Firefox can be found at https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/update-firefox-latest-release


Google Chrome usually auto-updates itself when it detects a new version, but you'll need to relaunch the browser to complete the update process.

  1. Open Google Chrome on your system.
  2. Take a look in the top right corner of the screen. There may be a small yellow arrow or another indicator next to your Profile icon. If clicked, the top option will say "Update Google Chrome."
  3. Click on "Update Google Chrome."
  4. You will then be prompted with the following message requesting you to relaunch Chrome. Upon relaunch, Chrome will be up to date.

Additional information on updating Google Chrome can be found at https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95414?co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop&hl=en