Connecting to a Wired Network Jack

Students living in the residence halls will need to pre-register any devices that they wish to connect to the DePaul network via a wired connection.  Each student can register up to 5 devices.  The registration does not expire as long as the student is an active student at DePaul.

Registering a device to connect to the residence hall wired network:

  1. Determine the wired MAC address of the device you wish to connect:
    1. Popular Gaming and Streaming Devices

Note that if your device is also capable of wireless/WiFi connection, it will have a wired and wireless MAC address. Please ensure you enter the wired/Ethernet MAC to be able to connect to the wired jack in your dorm.

  1. Open a Web Browser on your device.
    1. If your device does not have a Web Browser or there is an issue registering your device please navigate on a separate device to or contact the Help Desk​.
      2. If you aren't automatically directed to the Network Authentication page, simply navigate to
  2. Login with your BlueKey login credentials ( email address and password).
  3. Click on "Register Device", Enter in a common name for your device and add the MAC Address then click "Create Device"