ODBC Connection Instructions for Data Warehouse Use
PLEASE make sure that you are connected to the Data Center VPN before proceeding. Instructions can be found at IS Support - DePaul VPN: Remote Access and Data Center Users (service-now.com) Bluekey MFA is required. Details available at IS Support - BlueKey: Seamless Login Experience (service-now.com)
1. To match 32 bit applications, right mouse click on odbcad32.exe in C:\Windows\SysWOW64 and choose “Run as Admin”. Please hit "Yes" in the popup window when asked.
NOTE: Conversely, if your ODBC application is 64bit, run odbcad32.exe from C:\Windows\System32 (this is correct even though it may seem the reverse).
2. Choose System DSN and click on Add
3. Choose Oracle in OraClient12c_home2
NOTE: The number after “_home” is not important.
4. Choose Test Connection (If you intend to use this connection please save the Data Source Name)