Recreate an Outlook Profile

Recreate an Outlook Profile

This is not needed for most issues, but if you encounter issues with your inbox not loading emails on the local Outlook client, recreating the profile may help to solve the issue.


  1. Close the Outlook client.

  2. Open the Control Panel.

  3. In the top-right corner, change the View by setting to Large Icons.

  4. Click on Mail (32-bit) or Mail (Microsoft Outlook) (32-bit)

  5. In the new window that appears, click on Show Profiles.

  6. Confirm the "Outlook" profile is highlighted and press Remove.

  7. Then press Apply, and then OK to close the window.

  8. Open Outlook again, and it should begin to recreate your profile. Simply name it "Outlook" or any name you would like, and press OK. Then it should auto-fill your account information just like it did when Outlook was started up for the first time.