Note: **Applies to Windows machines**. We recommend using any web browser but Chrome to do this. Also this process is somewhat complex; please follow the steps closely and carefully to ensure successful retrieval of your notebook data.
This process will require that you have the Office 365 desktop applications installed on your machine. If you have not installed them, please follow Office 365 Pro Plus: Install on Personal Computers. Alternatively, you can install the standalone OneNote Desktop application.
Exporting a OneNote Notebook
- Log into the Office 365 account you want to retrieve a notebook from.
- Click on the All Apps icon in the bottom left
- Click on the OneDrive app. This is where Microsoft stores your notebooks.
- You will see your notebooks listed under My Files. The file will be named the same as your notebook name.
- Click the circle to the left of the file to select it. In the ribbon above, click the arrow next to Open, and select 'Open in app'. This will open your notebook in the OneNote Desktop application. If you just installed the desktop application, you may be prompted to login again.
- Within OneNote Desktop, select File, then Export, then Notebook under the "Export Current" section. Finally, to the right, select "OneNote Package (*.onepkg) and click the Export button.
- Choose the location you would like to export your notebook to. We recommend choosing a location that is easy to find, such as Documents or Desktop. Make sure that "Current Notebook" is selected under the Page Range options.
- Go back to the web browser and logout of 365 by your profile circle in the top right corner and selecting 'Sign out'. Completely close all browser windows.
- If you have more then one notebook to move, you can follow these steps for exporting each notebook before moving on to the next steps for importing.
Importing a OneNote Notebook
- Reopen the web browser and log into the new Office 365 account that you want to move the notebook to.
- Open the OneDrive app the same way you did in step 3 of the export directions.
- (DO NOT skip this step) Open ANY OneNote file using the same directions you did in step 5 of the export directions. If you do not have any existing notebooks in the new account, you can click the arrow next to the New button to create one first. Leave the OneNote desktop application open.
- Return to your web browser and click on Upload. Browse to the location that you exported the notebook package file to. Select the notebook package file and click Open. This will add the notebook package file to My Files within the OneDrive online app.
- Within OneDrive My Files, select the uploaded package file by clicking on the file name. You may be prompted to open or save the file, select to open the file. This will automatically attempt to open the file in the OneNote desktop application and a new 'Unpack Notebook' window will open. DO NOT click anything to unpack the file just yet.
- Click on the Path dropdown arrow. Change the path to the option that is similar to:
- Click Create. This will unpack (import) the notebook package into your new account. You may then interact with the notebook in the new account as you normally would.
Helpful Links
Office 365 Pro Plus: Install on Personal Computers
OneNote Desktop application
DePaul Help Desk