Microsoft 365 Bookings: Getting Started

What is Microsoft Bookings?

Microsoft Bookings is a collaborative scheduling tool with a web-based booking page. Creators or team members assigned as administrators can use the Bookings web-application to customize the booking page, manage staff, and set service offerings. The Booking page can be published to grant visitors the ability to choose a service and book an appointment date/time that is convenient for them.

Microsoft Bookings: Getting Started for DePaul Employees - Tutorial Video

Creating your Bookings

It's very important to get the Bookings calendar name right the first time, as this name will appear in your emails and on the site URL. It cannot be modified after creation. For this reason, IS strongly recommends including school, department, or the specific calendar purpose in the name when creating your Bookings calendar.

For example, there's a team in Information Services that works in the sub-department of "Infrastructure Operations or InfOps" under the group "Networks". A recommended Bookings calendar name for them would be: "ISInfopsNetworksConsultations". Other acceptable name choices would be: "DePaul HR Benefits Appointments" or "Schoolofmusic_Jazzstudies_Sessions". You can use "_" or spaces. Note: if spaces are used the created URL will remove them like the first example. 


Changing the name displayed on the published booking page

How to get started

How to Access Bookings

There are two methods for accessing Bookings. One is used for calendar and page administration (Bookings web app), and the other for customer self-service appointment booking (Booking page).

Bookings web app: Here Bookings creators and administrators can customize the Booking page, define appointment types and details, manage staff schedules and availability, set business hours, and customize how appointments are scheduled. You can access the Bookings web app using either of the following methods: 

Booking page: Is a web-based self-service scheduling page where your visitors can book appointments. The Booking page can be shared as a link in email or embed into a webpage. There are three different publishing options you can select when creating your bookings calendar. Note: The sharing options can be changed later by the Bookings creator or a designated administrator.

Publishing options

How to Add Members to Bookings

The staff section in the Bookings web app is where you create your staffing list and manage staff member details. 

Please note: Members added as staff will be sent an email requesting their acceptance. Acceptance is required to complete staff addition in the Bookings calendar. 

Booking creators can designate different roles for staff members: Administrator, Team member, Scheduler, Viewer, or Guest

Please note: Creators become administrators automatically, and all emails to the Bookings mailbox are forwarded to the creator. This can be changed from the 'Business information' section of the Bookings web-app.  

Department Resource Accounts with Bookings

Department resource accounts may be added as staff members in a Bookings calendar, but memberships to a Bookings calendar require acceptance, so the resource owner must accept the Bookings invitation on behalf of the resource account. For instructions on accessing an owned email account please view the following: IS Support - Accessing a Resource Email Account: For Resource Owners (

Deleting Bookings

Deleting your entire Bookings site and calendar will require assistance from Information Services, so please create an incident with the Help Desk to request a Bookings deletion.

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