If any of these questions are confusing, you can always start the project request process by reaching out to the project team at isprojectmanagement@depaul.edu.
Is an existing technology system, service, or application broken or not working properly? If the answer is yes, you may want to start by submitting a ticket to the Help Desk. Typically, if an existing service isn't working properly, it won't require a project request.
Most technology services and requests already have forms within the Service Portal. Review this page that serves as a directory of existing request forms.
Smaller service requests often don't require a full project request. Do you need an enhancement to an existing service, system, or application? Is this a common request that you have made before? Are you pretty confident the request requires less than 50 hours of dedicated work? If yes to any of these, please submit a service request to specific group within Information Services.
The project management team is here to help guide you through your technology request. You can reach out to the team at isprojectmanagement@depaul.edu.