Microsoft Teams Phone: Shared Phone Numbers (without a Physical Phone)

The Phone feature in the Microsoft Teams app allows groups of people to share one phone number. Since there can be a couple different configurations of a shared phone, it's important to define these different configurations first. This article is not for phone numbers associated with a front desk phone or other shared number with a physical phone.

Individual or Shared Phone?

Individual phone number with delegated access

A DePaul-based phone number that is associated with an individual DePaul employee. This individual can delegate access to the number for others. When a phone is associated with an individual, this person (or owner) will be able to manage the phone number from the Teams app. Only the owner can give others access to the number. The owner can check voicemail from the Teams app. Voicemails will also go to the phone number owner's BlueM@il. Delegated users of this phone number can check voicemail by NEED INSTRUCTIONS HERE. Owners of an individual phone can delegate access to other users, but they cannot transfer ownership to other users.

This article addresses common topics for shared phone numbers. If you are an individual with a phone number connected to your profile, please review this article for more information.

Shared phone number

A shared phone number isn't connected to one individual owner. This type of shared number will have a shared resource email account connected to it, instead of an individual's profile and email. Shared phone numbers are associated with a resource email account (an email account for a group within DePaul, such as Shared phone numbers will have a designated admin (slightly different from an owner of an individual phone number) that can make changes. This admin can add/remove delegates, designate other admins, and manage voicemail from the Teams app. Delegates (non-admin users) with access to the resource email account can review voicemails in the resource email's mailbox.

Shared Phone Numbers

What defines a shared phone number?

  1. The phone number is not connected to an individual.
  2. It has a shared resource email address associated with it (where voicemails will be delivered.)
  3. The phone number has a designated admin who can make changes.

How do I know whether my phone number is associated with my profile or a shared resource mailbox?

Where do you receive voicemail messages? Every DePaul phone number delivers voicemails to an email address. If you receive voicemails to your own DePaul email address, the number is associated with you as an individual. If a shared mailbox receives voicemail messages, then your phone number is shared. Voicemail messages will be delivered to the email address associated with the number.


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Additional Information

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