Imaging Instructions
1. Request an import of devices to Configuration Manager (“CM”)
a. Open a ServiceNow incident (Service Portal - Service Portal ( with the following information (NOTE: a form is in development to replace this process)
i. Device is intended for use in a CDM Zoom Room
ii. Device MAC address
iii. Device location (building and room number)
iv. Device model (provide the output of this command: "wmic computersystem get model")
b. IS staff will import the device and confirm this is complete by closing the incident
2. Create a “boot disk”
a. Insert a USB drive (8 GB+) to a domain-joined device connected to the DePaul network
b. Log in using the BlueKey credentials of a member of "GRP_CDM_Zoom_Admins"
c. If the "W" drive is not already mounted, open a command prompt
d. Enter "net use W: \\\group"
e. Once mounted, navigate to “W:\software\Distribution\CDM Zoom Computer Boot Disk”
f. Copy “CMCB_BootDiskCreator.bat” to a local folder (e.g. “Desktop”)
g. Run the batch file with administrative permission
i. NOTE: this will wipe any data on the target USB drive. Data cannot be recovered
3. Image the device
a. Verify on-campus network connectivity (Ethernet only)
b. Connect the USB drive from (2)
c. Boot from the USB drive
d. On reaching this screen, click “Next”
e. Follow the next prompt
f. On reaching this screen, click “Next” to start imaging
g. Imaging is complete on reaching this screen
Frequently Asked Questions
Troubleshooting Tips
If imaging fails, follow these guidelines before opening an incident for assistance.
· Basic Checks:
· Have hardware diagnostics been run?
· Check the functionality of the network cable and port (both at the device and wall-port end).
· Does the client have an IP address?
· Is the system clock accurate in firmware?
· Has the firmware password been cleared before reimaging?
· Have you tried imaging at least twice?
· Common Issues:
· Imaging fails immediately:
· Verify boot disk is using the latest “boot.wim” from “W:\software\Distribution\CDM Zoom Computer Boot Disk\Boot.wim”
· Copy “boot.wim” to the boot disk, specifically the "sources" folder, overwriting the existing “boot.wim” file.
· "No Task Sequences Available":
· Using the same incident from "Imaging Instructions" (1), ask for verification from that the device object is “approved” and not “obsolete”