Mobius is an older financial reporting tool that was used by university employees prior to the rollout of the BlueSky Oracle Cloud system. Since BlueSky was launched, Mobius usage has dropped to essentially nothing. In an effort to reduce costs, Information Services will not be renewing its license for the Mobius tool. The change is not expected to affect many employees in the university who have largely moved their financial reporting attention to BlueSky.
The service will be shut down on Friday, June 14, 2024.
If you need to run a report out of Mobius, try to access Mobius and extract the information as soon as possible. Particularly, if it is a very manual process to extract the data you need. If you are concerned about data loss or need data but don't know how to run reports in the old Mobius system, contact the Help Desk. The team that manages this system will walk you through the data options. Again, most employees aren't likely to be affected by the retirement of this older financial reporting system.
Any other questions, concerns, or comments can be directed to the Help Desk. If you need access to a specific report, the Help Desk will forward your inquiry to the team that manages the Mobius application.